Now when I think of making something new I also think about having to preserve it. Might as well get it saved away ahead of time so you don’t have to yank its guts out of another wayback scrape.

It adds an extra weight to whatever I start, which is a hindrance.

What is worth keeping? What is okay to throw away? Despite a year and a half of ferreting around, I haven’t come to any answer at all. Many of the things I deeply miss now were made on a whim and never meant to last. Drawings of imaginary siblings and made-up logos for pretend companies and hand-drawn pet paper snakes, all in the bottom of a dump somewhere, slowly poisoning the earth with everything else.

Anyway, I haven’t made and published a website in a while. Every time I try, I’m so out of practice that it’s like I have to re-learn everything again. So here; we’ll see how many entries I have to log.